We made some changes :)

As you evaluate your brand strategy you may find you have slightly gone off course in your messaging, or even in the way you represent your brand identity. And we are not immune to needing to make those adjustments.

We live by our own philosophies and understand we need to adjust and make changes to our strategy and identity as the business grows. With this in mind we are super stoked to tell you that we have recently updated our logo! This was not a full brand redesign, but a step we felt necessary to make in order to align the visual brand better with the adjustments we are making with our positioning and our messaging.

We have kept the visual identity the same for the most part, including our badge style messaging for “create impact” or “do good things”, but here is our updated logo wordmark and lettermark — 

We hope you like this update as much as we do! And, as an extra bonus update, check out our new Homepage! It really opens the door into our new style of messaging and starts to move the needle on our positioning. More to come as we continue our growth.

If you need an audit or a reworking in your own strategy / identity, give us a call!

Sunday Roast

Sunday Roast is an Award Winning full-service brand and web
design agency, partnering with purpose-driven entrepreneurs,
not-for-profits and businesses to create positive change in
the world.


2024 Design Trends


Rebranding Strategies: when and how you should consider a rebrand